Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Happy July, time sure flies these days.....

 The other day I saw a video of this lady absolutely rubbishing LiveGood, I have no idea why some people do that when there are good products that people want and need and you get paid to share it with others, just like you would with a good movie.... share , share , share! πŸ’–

 It reminded me of a while back with my brother n law laughing at me, calling my business a pyramid scheme LOL so had to find the old funny video cartoon of the "pyramid scheme" .   Ignorance is not bliss!  πŸ˜„ and this lady was talking trash about Live Good had no clue. 😞Just like in this video ...   lol  you hear it so often from people, it is funny to me now.. 

This video never gets old...


                                              My guess is, she has either  never been in a Network Marketing business, EVER, by what she was saying, otherwise she was in another company and thought we were competition, would be more likely.   I started in the 90's with Amway, back then , that was like a swear word LOL people would run a mile if you even mentioned the name of it ...  I even got my sister in, who swore she would never join it ...  a lot of door knocking and plenty of hypey meetings later ....  Hmmmmm! 😁

Ahhh, the good old days of door knocking , wow, I actually miss that.  

Yes, we were taught to be very pushy and to call anyone we had ever met in our lives, SO funny now I look back.. I did okay as I did love the products, just got tired of friends running away every time they saw me.   Was often on the lookout for something else, with another name other than Amway LOL  Roll on 30 years later and a few different companies in between.  I was with  Freelife and loved it, then that got shut for whatever reason , still not sure why that happened... but it did.  πŸ˜”super sad, the goji juice was phenomenal. 

Recently, I was in Freemart for 7 years and built that because the products got amazing results, so it was very easy to share,  then that closed down sadly and I was gutted, as I had worked so hard building that,  so sometimes it is not our own fault with companies coming and going, I never just moved on to the next big shiny object at all ..  most of the time it is because the company closed down, rather than me keeping on looking... πŸ˜’

I almost did not bother looking again , however up popped Live Good (great name) too and great products at affordable prices helps and many people struggling or are out of work so what better time to start a new one, although I am sharing it , I am not being pushy at all. 

People will either love it or not. so am just going with the flow for now ..    😊so much else going on in the world, have been super busy offline lately.  Time will tell as usual.... 

The products are good and will no doubt put more effort in as time goes on, for now I am just enjoying the products and getting on with life in general .....   

And in between all that , I raised a family of four boys , now all grown men and have some beautiful grandbabies as well and happily married to boot... Amen! Very grateful indeed. 

Love & light ~ Laugh out loud ~ and Live Good πŸ’–πŸ˜


  And good quality too.... don't you love these Doctors who say that 95% of supplements are crap, which might be true in some cases, the...