Sunday, June 30, 2024

Livegood coffee, seems to be a fav' for many....

 It has been a little while since I last posted ... been busy moving house πŸ’–never again hopefully, hard work and fun too....   

Time seems to fly, so will keep this one short and sweet today, I think I might be the only person on the planet who has NEVER had a Starbucks coffee EVER ... 😁besides anyone who does not love coffee at all that is. 

Was never too sure why, as I do LOVE coffee, especially Livegood organic coffee. πŸ˜‹

I do need to order some more, running out is never fun..   πŸ˜ŠJust click the pic' 

For about 60 cents a cup, time for a change anyone?  I have not been to a McDs in probably 20 years, never stepped foot in a Starbucks ever and don't go to dunkin' donuts so I have to trust many others to say they like ours more ....  πŸ˜‚ Get some organic coffee here!

They say 95 % of supplements are not good at all, livegood is in that 5% that is good for you and all certified organic and high quality as well.  Price is right too 😊

If you are suffering from Bidenomics, then visit Livegood today! πŸ’₯πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ž

Or if you are suffering with Cancer, google the guy below, there is hope for cures other than the chemo' crap ...  and or Ivermectin also helps apparently.  πŸ’“ Plus some foods too, keep your PH balance at 7.5 or higher, cancer cells can not survive then, but you will. πŸ˜”

Food for thought! πŸ™

(disclaimer: I am glad I am not a Doctor these days.)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Livegood affiliate plan....


While Livegood has high quality products, it also has a way to make some extra income as an affiliate. With all the layoffs lately, people are going to need something good and simple enough to just share with friends and family.  I have been a little slack lately on building this, after what happened at freemart with it closing down after 7 years of really building that, then poof it was gone, just like that, so got a little weary I suppose and have been busy house hunting. 

Once settled then I shall get busy building again, as this is the perfect business for anyone really... the payplan is nice and simple, I will never touch a binary compensation plan EVER ... as they usually benefit the company and not the people building it ....  When you love something and it works for you , you are automatically going to tell others about it... right?  Super simple as it should be.  Prices are affordable too unlike a lot of expensive versions of the same thing... 

Not too sure why many think Network Marketing or Affiliate Marketing are scams, if they have good products people want, then it is no different than having a shop basically.  No scam here! πŸ’–

Just healthy ways to earn some extra dollars mostly...   Click here for the products (retail) or join as an affiliate to make some extra income....   Click here

Love, Laugh and Livegood in 2024πŸ’‘πŸ˜

Monday, February 26, 2024

Keep things simple and natural , some things are just interesting to know....

 I found a great video today which I thought was very useful info' to know, as I have been using these things in a cuppa for years now, this explains well, why you should too πŸ˜‹

Besides all our Livegood products, these are things most people already have in their kitchen or pantry. I found it helpful, hope you do too.  😌😍

Plus a great list of vegetables and their uses, handy to know!😊

Crazy how nature is so good! 
Big pharma ~ not so good! πŸ˜€

Livegood products~ Great!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

New LiveGood Products and a Happy New Year to All...

New products from Livegood, there is a few good ones.  Also any of the Livegood products have the highest quality and are tested fully and organically tested.  Plus the price is great too, compared to other brands.  Supplements these days are more important now, than ever before. 😊

πŸ’“The name of the company literally says it all....  LIVEGOOD! 😍

Take the tour here:

or Retail shop is here:

😍Love, peace and prosperity for all and Live Good!πŸ’–

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

What is up with me & time this year ? lol

 It seems every month lately I have wondered where the time went....  😁

And yes another month just flew right by with no posts , whoopsy! 😜

Now we are heading for Christmas already, so Merry Christmas, before I forget.

 Apparently Livegood began on December 13th so it will be the first anniversary today. As usual I am late for the competition that started earlier and ends today I believe... Whoopsy again! Better late than never I guess & I did join in December last year, so must have been in quite early without realizing it. I do love the products & they are affordable too. 😌

They have a huge special deal going on right now, where you can get 6 great products in one box sent (shipping included) for just $89 which is a bargain, they have two options,  men's and women's, each consisting of the best products for both and it is international, so great news for all of us not in the USA ...   πŸ˜ Video explaining that below...  Awesome!


                                                          CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW 

Never a better time to get started, to buy products that are good for your health or starting a new business to create some extra wealth, Join us today and become a part of the first million to live good!  πŸ˜ƒLove~ Laugh~ Live Good! 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Where do the months go? wow .....

 I have no idea where the time goes & it has been a while again ... too many distractions in life I guess...  "Live every moment" as they say ... the moments go way too fast 😁

I love our organic coffee and this video explains why we should all be fussy with our coffee!  While we all want healthier versions of what we do love, livegood coffee goes a little further than the average organic coffee....  who knew? Watch and learn!  πŸ˜ƒ

πŸ˜”πŸ˜‹No coffee, no workee!😁😊and after my coffee....




Thursday, August 17, 2023

Affordable health care at Live Good ...

 Since a lot more of  the information about the vax is now coming out, people are looking at alternatives for their immune systems.  There is a lot of new things out now, some of them are in the hundreds of dollars sadly.  In this economy who has that much spare cash?  At Livegood the products are affordable and they work.  There are more testimonials coming out how peoples lives have been changed by Livegood products...   We also have new products this month.. One I have not ordered yet, but will be...  the gel pain relief.  

LiveGood prices are always very competitive compared to other brands. 

Also a new collagen product out now,  grateful for that, since I did use to get the Freemart version which is now gone, so good to see a good replacement for that product I have used before... it works well for hair, skin and nails.  

 If you love the products after using them, you are going to want to share them, so while so many are struggling out there, why not start your own business with a good company. 

Reasonable prices and has an easy to use marketing system with the powerline. Don't be fooled by some copy cats out there,  the Goodkins have been making these products for a long time before they added the marketing to make it easier for people to join. So give it a go if you have any questions, I am available on skype most days...  dianneinnz  😁 If you add me on there,  please make sure you mention Live good questions, so I know you are not some weirdo LOL  😌  I do not use fakebook or many other social sites these days. 

Take the tour here:  OR  Shop here directly:

                          πŸ’–Love ~ Laugh ~LiveGood! 😍

Livegood coffee, seems to be a fav' for many....

 It has been a little while since I last posted ... been busy moving house πŸ’–never again hopefully, hard work and fun too....    Time seems ...